The most important feature of a trademark is to differentiate the product served by the supplier from those supplied by other suppliers. The difference between trademark vs service mark is really of a bit, and these symbols are similar things. The difference is that a trade symbol reputations products, whereas a service symbol reputed services.
Whereas it is not compulsory to register a mark in order to get it in use, trademark registration gives a high level to a business. The goodwill position can be diminished or shattered if others try to supply their own products as yours by opting for a brand that is similar to your business.
You can create a positive review in the market about the qualified ownership and reputed product.
Trademark & Other Registration

Trademark & IPRs Registration
A trademark is a reputation that distinguishes the goods and services of an organization and idealizes them from the opposition. To be under the law protection, a trademark should be different, and not illusory, not against law.
IPR, that is Intellectual Property Rights protects many aspects of a business and all IP Right shows its own advantages. The branches of IPR is vast, but the prime concept of intellectual property where some of them are the most desirable for any startup journey to carry on smoothly are as follows:
- Trademarks
- Patents
- Copyrights and Related Rights
- Industrial Designs
- Trade Secrets
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are explained as thoughts, origination, and innovative gestures according to which there is a people’s will to bring the best status of the property.

GST Registration & Modification
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax or tax levied on consumers in India on the shipping and dispatching of goods and services. It is a large-scale, material-based tax because it has covered almost every indirect tax except some state taxes. Following one by one, the GST is levied at all the subjects in operating manufacturing, but it is to be paid back to the manufacturers in the other level of generation other than the final user and it is collected from consumers and not like other taxes.
PAN & TAN Application
The treasury ‘Professional tax’ is not just the tax beard only by professionals. It is a tax on all segments of professionals, traders, and employers. It is levied on the individuals, a person operating the business such as freelancing, or any collar job. As per Article 246 of the Constitution of India, only Parliament has undistracted rights to create laws with regulation to the Union records which consist of taxes on income. In regards to which registration number is to be gathered for easy tax paying.

MSME/Udyog Aadhar & Startup India Registration
MSME Development Act 2006, MSME act was defined as the Small Scale Industries (SSIs) sector. With the addition of the MSME Development Act, 2006, the sources of the MSME sector were expanded. where simple industries were under SSI, the conviction of ‘enterprise’ was invented to combine both production and solution sectors.
To support the courage of doing business and conceptualizing the technique of MSME registration, the Ministry of MSME inaugurated the Udyog Aadhaar registration. Our knowledge of the same makes us serve you with better services.
Startup India Registration
A startup is a business guided by a group of a few individuals that have a solution to your problems. Such kind of business comes into origination when the owner finds some misleadings in the present scenario they have been working for and with the mindset of resolving the hurdles by forming a new venture of their own. For getting a proper start with documentation in which we help you with guidance from a lawyer.
IEC Registration and Modification
Import Export Code (also known as IEC) is a 10 digit recognition code that is generated by the DGFT (Director General of Foreign Trade), Commerce Department, Government of India. It is also referred to as the Importer Exporter Code. It is mandatory for organizations and enterprises to gather this code for starting a company that regulates import and export in the Indian Territory. It is not allowed to operate export or import business in absence of this code.
Why it is essential?
- An importer cannot clear his shipments from the customs unless he did not have an IEC code.
- While sending money abroad through banks. The importer needs to present the code to the bank.
- The code is needed by the customs port when an exporter has to send his shipments.
- It is asked by the bank. When an exporter accepts money in foreign currency directly into his bank account.

Shop & Establishment Registration
The Shop and Establishment Act is authorized by the Labor Department and commands originations wherein any business, finances, or education is improved. This sector not only directs the accomplishment of non-profit organisations but also any profit organization. Some of the prime act comes under:
- Work Duration
- Prohibition child labor
- Employment of young generation
- Weekends
- Regulation of wage payments
- Lighting and ventilation
- Fire safety
- Accident treatment
- Followup
ESIC & EPF Registration
ESIC Registration is mandatory where a minimum of 10 employees are working for roadways, restaurants, entertainment, daily magazines, store, schools/colleges/hospital, but the bound has been freed to 20 in some other states.
Advantages given to employees under ESIC registration are explained as:
- The ESIC scheme gives allowances to the unemployed.
- In the situation of accidental death during employment, provides payments on a monthly basis to dependents.
- The ESIC scheme provides maternity advantages and maternity leave.
- ESIC gives benefits of medical care facility for employees and the employee’s family.